Loughcrew Megalithic Cairns - 5,500 Year Old Cairns Discovered

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Loughcrew Cairns and Megalithic Passage Tombs Oldcastle Co Meath Ireland. These Ancient sites are over 5,500 years old.

Click your mouse over the buttons in the image above to start your tour of the loughcrew megalithic Cairn tombs

Click the red dot in the image above to enter the Loughcrew Cairn L passage tomb.

Inside interactive tour of the Loughcrew megalithic cairns tombs at Loughcrew hills, Oldcastle, Co Meath, Ireland.

View of Oldcastle Town in Co Meath filmed from the top of the Loughcrew Ancient Cairns and Hill top. This site is 5,500 years old, enjoy the tour.

Podcast live from the top of the Loughcrew hills outside Oldcastle, Co Meath, Ireland, The Loughcrew hillsAncient megalithic site over five thousand years old.

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